

Symphytum Officinale - Perennial Height: 120cm
Space: 60cm
Shady moist soil.
Plant carefully as difficult to eradicate. Chop young leaves into salads or cook as spinach. Leaves soaked in water for 4 weeks, perfect fertilizer for tomatoes due to high potassium content. Excellent in compost. Flowers are blue-mauve bells in drooping clusters.


Anthemis Nobilis - Perennial Height: 30cm
Space: 15cm
Sun or part shade, light well drained soil.
Bright green creeping rootstock and low growing airy stems with yellow/white florets from mid-summer to autumn. A traditional ground cover when cut like grass, gives off a delightful fragrance. Can be used as an herb tea and hair rinse. Plant near failing plants to revive them. Infuse and spray on seedlings to prevent damping off and on compost to activate.


Monarda Didyma - Perennial Height: 120cm
Space: 45cm
Sun or part shade, rich light and moist soil.
Foliage is very popular for their use in teas, to relieve nausea, menstrual pain and insomnia. Put a fresh leaf into a Chine Tea for an Earl Grey flavour. Add sparingly to salads, stuffing and pork, scatter flower in salads or use fresh or dried for floral arrangements


Gotu Kola - Hydrocotyle Asiatica - Perennial Height: 10cm
Space: 30cm
Shady, moist rich soil.
Good for ground cover or basket. Easily grown but frost tender and a favourite of slugs and snails. Reputedly used over the centuries for its qualities offering relief from various ailments, including arthritis an anti-inflammatory. Recommended dosage - eat 2 x medium sized leaves per day.



Nepeta Cataria - Perennial Height: 90cm
Space: 40cm
Sun or light shade, well-drained soil.
Catnip is a pretty plant with its whorls of lavender or white flowers attracting bees. Well known for the way its leaves and blossoms either dried or fresh are relished by cats. Rub leaf on

Which Diet Is Best?The One That Works for You

Nearly two-thirds of American adults are overweight, and most are anxious to do something about it. Which begs the question: Which diet is best?
Consumer Reports recently rated Weight Watchers and the Slim-Fast programs as tops in achieving long-term weight loss.
But in another study, published earlier this year in the Journal of the American Medical Association, researchers compared four popular plans -- Weight Watchers, Atkins, Zone and Ornish -- and found no substantial weight loss difference at one year, with pounds lost ranging from 4.6 to 7.3.
The researchers concluded that devotion to the diet is more important than the actual diet regimen itself.
The more you follow the diet, the more you lose, said Dr. Michael L. Dansinger, of Tufts-New England Medical Center, and lead author of the JAMA review.
Other weight-loss experts agree. The best diet is the one you'll stick with; the one that fits your life, said Cathy Nonas, an American Dietetic Association spokeswoman and registered dietitian who directs the obesity and diabetes program at North General Hospital in New York City.
But that's not all. You want the diet to make you healthier, added Nonas, author of Outwit Your Weight. If a particular plan raises your cholesterol levels to undesirable levels, for instance, you should switch plans, she said.
Vegetarians should pay attention that their diet program offers enough nutrients. Lona Sandon, an assistant professor of clinical nutrition at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, said she reminds vegetarians trying to lose weight to eat their veggies.
That seems a bit sarcastic, Sandon said, but I have seen many self-proclaimed vegetarians who eat lots of grains, pastas, nuts, seeds, fruit, meal replacement or energy bars and alcohol, but come up short in the vegetable category.
Paying attention to portion sizes is a must for anyone looking to lose weight, Sandon added.
So is exercise. Ask your doctor about a good workout program -- you can start with a brisk daily walk -- if you're not already active. Exercise is important for everyone, Nonas said.
Once you've found a healthful diet that fits your lifestyle, you need success strategies that motivate you. Nonas has dreamed up some offbeat but effective ones.
To figure out if a diet complements their lives, Nonas asks clients about their favorite foods and dislikes. I help the person make adjustments without making them feel they have to turn their lives inside out, she said.
For example, if someone loves to have a bagel and cream cheese plus a Danish on Friday mornings, Nonas suggests they pick one to enjoy, then replace the other food item with a piece of fruit.
Nonas once had a client who felt she ate too much because she ate too fast. So the woman began to eat almost everything with chopsticks for a week, figuring her lack of dexterity would force her to slow down. A few days later, the woman reported back that she was learning to eat more slowly -- and less.
Another client who liked to overeat in the evening put masking tape across his kitchen door once dinner was done. I've had people lose weight that way, Nonas said.
Nonas calls these strategies behavioral barriers. And, she said, If you don't have behavioral barriers to help you out, to defend against the environment, it doesn't matter what diet you are on.

Work Stress May Hurt the Heart

Years of constant work stress could take its toll on your heart.
Early warning signs of heart disease and diabetes are more common among people who report chronic work stress, according to a new British study.
The study focuses on work stress and metabolic syndromemetabolic syndrome, a cluster of abnormalities that can lead to diabetes and heart disease.
Employees with chronic work stress were more than twice as likely to have the syndrome than those without work stress, the researchers write in BMJ Online First.
About Metabolic Syndrome
Metabolic syndrome's risk factors include:
1.Abdominal obesity 2.High level of blood fat 3.Low level of good high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL) 4.Elevated blood pressure 5.Elevated level of blood sugar after fasting (a sign of resistance to insulin, a hormone that controls blood sugar).
Want a more specific version of that list?
1.Waist measurement of more than 40 inches in men or 35 in women 2.Triglycerides of 150 or greater 3.HDL of less than 40 in men and less than 50 in women 4.Blood pressure of 130/85 or greater 5.Fasting glucose of 100 or greater6.People with metabolic syndrome have three or more of those traits.
Your Job: Stressful or Not?
The researchers -- who included Tarani Chandola, DPhil, a senior lecturer at University College London -- studied about 10,300 government workers in London.
The bureaucrats completed surveys about their work stress and lifestyles. They also got health checks several times over an average of 14 years.
To gauge work stress, participants rated how demanding their job was, how much control they had over their work, and how much support they got from their co-workers.
The researchers didn't check participants' job descriptions or visit their offices to confirm the ratings. Why not? Stress is often in the eye of the beholder. Two people doing the same job in the same setting may view their work stress differently.
Study's Results
Participants with chronic stress were those reporting highly demanding jobs with little control and sparse support more than 75% of the time during the study.
In other words, those workers weren't just feeling the heat temporarily. Instead, they felt constantly under the gun, with no one on their side.
Chronically stressed workers were more likely to develop metabolic syndrome. That didn't change when the researchers considered other health risks -- obesity, smoking, lack of exercise, heavy drinking, and not eating fruits and vegetables.
Some participants didn't finish the study.
The researchers aren't sure if chronically stressed workers are less likely to have healthy lifestyles, or if people with unhealthy habits tend to feel more stressed at work.
Possibly, years of constant work stress chip away at a person's health, eventually creating metabolic syndrome, write Chandola and colleagues. They don't know exactly how that process works.

Mouth Guard Endorsed for Sleep Apnea

It may look like it belongs on the football field, but a mouth guard-like device may help millions of people (and their mates) who suffer from sleep apnea sleep a bit easier.
An estimated 18 million Americans have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), a sleep disorder caused by an obstructed airway due to the tongue and soft tissues falling into the back of the throat during sleep. This results in short episodes when breathing is stopped. Obstructive sleep apnea leads to excessive daytime sleepiness and has been associated with increased risk for high blood pressure, stroke, heart problems, and death.
Although continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is the most effective treatment available for obstructive sleep apnea, new guidelines recommend the use of oral appliances for the treatment of mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea in people who don't respond to CPAP or have difficulty sticking with the treatment.
CPAP involves wearing a mask attached to a machine that delivers air with increased pressure while you sleep. But researchers say many people find this treatment uncomfortable or intolerable, and an oral device may be an attractive treatment option.
OSA is a serious, life-threatening condition -- but for many patients, alleviating its effects can be as easy as utilizing an oral appliance at night, says Kent Moore, MD, DDS, president of the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine, in a news release. Oral appliances, which resemble sports mouth guards, may control mild to moderate OSA with minimal discomfort or disruption.
Researchers say there are many types of oral appliances that may be used to treat sleep apnea, snoring, or both. When worn during sleep, they help to maintain an open airway by repositioning or stabilizing the lower jaw, tongue, soft palate, or uvula (the fingerlike piece of tissue that hangs down from the soft palate at the back of the mouth).
The most common symptoms of sleep apnea are excessive snoring and daytime sleepiness. It is diagnosed with special tests while you sleep, usually in a sleep lab.
The recommendations appear in the February issue of Sleep, the journal of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.

Best Ways to Ease Anxiety Disorders

Meditation may ease anxiety among people who suffer from anxiety disorders, including obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). But a new study suggests meditation isn't necessarily better than other types of relaxation techniques at treating anxiety.
Researchers reviewed two studies comparing meditation to other relaxation techniques, such as biofeedback, and found both alternative therapies were equally effective in reducing anxiety.
No side effects were associated with meditation, but 33%-44% of the participants in the studies dropped out, which suggests that people with anxiety disorders may have a hard time sticking to a meditation regimen. Consequently, researchers say more studies are needed to determine the role of meditation in treating anxiety disorders.
Meditation vs. Relaxation
In the study, researchers reviewed research on meditation and other types of relaxation techniques. Only two studies that compared meditation to other relaxation techniques met the researchers' requirements for review.
The first compared transcendental meditation to relaxation therapy and EMG (electromyography) biofeedback.
Transcendental meditation involves focusing the mind on an object until the mind achieves stillness. EMG biofeedback measures muscle relaxation and teaches people to control their own level of muscle relaxation.
The second study compared mindfulness meditation, which encourages awareness of one's thoughts while maintaining detachment, to Kundalini yoga. Kundalini yoga includes a meditative form of breathing known as pranayama.
Researchers say both studies showed that meditation was comparable to other forms of relaxation therapy in reducing anxiety overall. But the small number of people involved in the studies makes it difficult to draw any firm conclusions about the effectiveness of meditation in the treatment of anxiety disorders.
In particular, the results showed:
All relaxation and meditation techniques resulted in improved scores on measures of anxiety, current mood, and symptoms of distress, but sleep disturbances did not improve. Work, social functioning, and family relations also improved among all treatment groups, but marital relations and sex life were not affected. Kundalini yoga wasn't as effective in treating obsessive-compulsive disorders as mindful meditation, although participants who practiced this form of yoga had more improvement on scores of perceived stress and purpose in life.

About Cancer

What Is Cancer?
Cancer occurs when cells in a part of the body begin to grow out of control. Normal cells divide and grow in an orderly fashion, but cancer cells do not. They continue to grow and crowd out normal cells. Although there are many kinds of cancer, they all have in common this out-of-control growth of cells.
Different kinds of cancer can behave very differently.
For example, lung cancer and breast cancer are very different diseases. They grow at different rates and respond to different treatments. That's why people with cancer need treatment that is aimed at their kind of cancer.
Even when cancer has spread to a new place in the body, it is still named after the part of the body where it started. For example, if prostate cancer spreads to the bones, it is still called prostate cancer. If breast cancer spreads to the lungs, it is still breast cancer.
When cancer comes back in a person who appeared to be free of the disease after treatment, it is called a recurrence.


How Does Acupressure Work?

How Does Acupressure Work? According to the principles of TCM, qiflows through the body via 14 primary meridians or channels. To strengthen the flow of qi,or remove blockages in the meridians, an acupuncturist inserts a number of tiny, sterile, flexible needles just under the skin at certain specific points (called acupoints) along the channels. There are four to five hundred named acupoints along the meridians, some of which are associated with specific internal organs or organ systems. If you are suffering from nausea, for example, needles might be inserted into acupoints on your wrist, while a vision problem might be treated with needles in the foot. (Additional ear, scalp, and hand points are also commonly used by some practitioners.) Acupuncture practitioners believe that the therapy stimulates the body's internal regulatory system and nurtures a natural healing response



Acupuncture is also known as Chinese Medical Massage- "Tui Na". However, it differs from western massage in that finger and palm pressure is applied using a wide range of techniques. It stimulates Qi mobilization to regain Yin-Yang balance in certain parts of the body.
It is particularly effective in healing and dispelling of pain in conditions such as back, neck and joint pain, headaches and sports injuries etc.


Acupuncture is a system of healing which has been practised in China and other Eastern countries for thousands of years. Although often described as a means of pain relief, it is in fact used to treat people with a wide range of illnesses. Its focus is on improving the overall well being of the patient, rather than the isolated treatment of specific symptoms. According to traditional Chinese philosophy, our health is dependent on the body's motivating energy - known as Qi - moving in a smooth and balanced way through a series of meridians (channels) beneath the skin